Power Tool Reviews and DIY Woodworking Project Tips

​Power Tool Reviews and DIY Woodworking Project Tips

Dive into the world of Do It Yourself with our project guides and tips. Every woodworking job requires the right tools – we will help you find the perfect tool that will make any job easier to accomplish.

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Shower Grout Guide

Your shower grout has be to be durable and waterproof, and there are a lot of different types to chose from. We help you chose from pre-mixed to regular grout options…

Upholstery Staple Gun Guide

Upholstery repair and upgrade work doesn’t need to be difficult or frustrating. Use a staple gun instead of hammering in tedious nails or trying to manually staple everything…

Jigsaw Guide

Jigsaws create both straight and curved cuts so you can finish a wide variety of DIY tasks. If you’re planning on purchasing a jigsaw, we highlight the top brands and models to help you get your job done quick and easy…

Table Saw for sawshub.com

​Table Saw Guide

​ Every serious woodworker and DIYer needs a table saw to make complicated cuts like ripping wood. However, it is vital to consider all of the attributes of these saws, including their safety features.

​Track Saw Guide

The track saw gives the DIYer versatility, because this saw is ideal for making long, straight cuts in a variety of materials. When you need to make lots of long straight cuts, chances are this is the saw you need…

Wood Filler Guide

Most fine woodworking projects require the use of wood filler. If you’re staining your project, its even more important to pick a filler that can handle stain properly and doesn’t discolor …

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Chainsaw for cutting and sawing

​22 Different Saws (And Their Uses)

​If you’re just getting started in the DIY world, you need to learn about the most popular saws and when to use each one.

We go through the 22 most popular and important saws, ranging from the simple coping saw and hacksaw, to the easy-to-use jigsaw and mitre saw, all the way up to the complicated bandsaw and table saw…

​Come get an overview on all of the different saws you’ll want to add to your repertoire…

​60 Free Scroll Saw Patterns

​The scroll saw is one of the easiest saws to pick up and start using. If you’re looking for some free patterns to practice your scroll work on, we’ve collected 60 scroll saw patterns.

These plans spread in difficulty from beginner to advanced, ensuring you have plenty of opportunity to grow your scrolling skills. 

​Come browse and find your favorite scroll saw pattern to try out…

Different wood options for scroll saw work
A man uses a band saw to cut wood for a DIY project

43 Fun DIY Bandsaw Projects

While typically thought of as a tool just for resawing, the band saw can actually perform a wide range of cuts that span across simple to complicated.

Learn how to put your band saw to work with these fun, simple DIY projects that you can tackle today…

Come see the various things you can build with your bandsaw in our article…

50 Small Woodworking Projects

If you’re looking for small and easy woodworking projects, check out our list of 50 ​easy projects you can start today.

All of these projects are simple to start and won’t take you a long time to complete.

Come see the various things you can build with your ​hands in our article…

A wood cheese board made with a scroll saw using in line technique
A Makita jigsaw that is cordless

Band Saw vs Jigsaw

Both the bandsaw and jigsaw are highly effective power saws – we’ll show you when is best to use each type of saw in your DIY and woodworking projects.

​If you’ve struggled between knowing when to use each type of power tool, or which one you should add to your workshop, this article will show you…

25 Simple Woodworking Ideas and DIY Projects for Kids

See our 25 favorite easy woodworking for kids projects. Simple and safe, these DIY wood project ideas are a perfect way to start your children off.

​Teach your children how to work with their hands with these fun project ideas…

Great easy wood working projects for children



chainsaw for cutting and sawwing

​22 Different Saws (And Their Uses)

​If you’re just getting started in the DIY world, you need to learn about the most popular saws and when to use each one.

We go through the 22 most popular and important saws, ranging from the simple coping saw and hacksaw, to the easy-to-use jigsaw and mitre saw, all the way up to the complicated bandsaw and table saw…

​Come get an overview on all of the different saws you’ll want to add to your repertoire…

different wood options for scroll saw work

​60 Free Scroll Saw Patterns

​The scroll saw is one of the easiest saws to pick up and start using. If you’re looking for some free patterns to practice your scroll work on, we’ve collected 60 scroll saw patterns.

These plans spread in difficulty from beginner to advanced, ensuring you have plenty of opportunity to grow your scrolling skills. 

​Come browse and find your favorite scroll saw pattern to try out…

A man uses a band saw to cut wood for a DIY project

43 Fun DIY Bandsaw Projects

While typically thought of as a tool just for resawing, the band saw can actually perform a wide range of cuts that span across simple to complicated.

Learn how to put your band saw to work with these fun, simple DIY projects that you can tackle today…

Come see the various things you can build with your bandsaw in our article…

A wood cheese board made with a scroll saw using in line technique

50 Beginner Woodworking Projects

If you’re looking for a woodworking project for beginners, check out our list of 50 ​easy projects you can start today.

No experience necessary, all of these projects are simple to start and you don’t need to know any technical terms.

Come see the various things you can build with your ​hands in our article…

A Makita jigsaw that is cordless

Band Saw vs Jigsaw

Both the bandsaw and jigsaw are highly effective power saws – we’ll show you when is best to use each type of saw in your DIY and woodworking projects.

​If you’ve struggled between knowing when to use each type of power tool, or which one you should add to your workshop, this article will show you…

great easy wood working projects for children

28 Simple Woodworking Ideas and DIY Projects for Kids

See our 28 favorite easy woodworking for kids projects. Simple and safe, these DIY wood project ideas are a perfect way to start your children off.

​Teach your children how to work with their hands with these fun project ideas…

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